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Word Wise Blog: Content Writing Made Easy

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.

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Word Wise is for busy people who want to write more (or need to), but don't have a lot of time.


Jul 15, 2024

9 tips to consider before you start writing a book

If you do a quick internet search you can find plenty of tips on writing a book. Courses on writing a book. Books on writing a book.

And these days, self-publishing makes it easy and affordable for anyone to become a published book author.

But should you write a book right now?

The idea of writing a book ...

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Jul 14, 2024

Making an Ask: follow Moses' model

Do you feel awkward when you write an Ask? Sometimes, I do.

It helps me to look at The Ask from the giver’s point of view. For instance, when I’m invited to a wedding, I appreciate a bridal registry list. It shows me ...

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Jul 13, 2024

A simple way to get writing ideas

Ideas are everywhere. Capturing them is part of the writing process.

Imagine all kinds of words, images, and conversations fluttering around in the air — and that you are able to capture them and make them understandable.

That’s what an antenna does...

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Jul 12, 2024

Fun, interactive bestseller for girls 6-9

When my editor asked me to write a book of fun children's devotionals for girls ages 6-9, I saw a perfect opportunity to help young ladies understand that God is their friend.

I knew that God & Me! 3 (ages 6-9) would be part of a series of children devotionals, but didn’t know then that the book and series would become an iParenting media award winner … and a best-seller...

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Jul 11, 2024

2 specific ways you can use social media to build your following

Every six months, new social media tools spring up on the Web, while current tools undergo a major tweak. If you have any kind of social media presence, there's usually a learning curve.

For ultra-techies out there, you love the evolution. For those with overwhelming amounts of extra time to invest in regularly learning and re-learning technology, new social media gives you an activity to fill your excess hours.

But for intimidated writers, nonprofit leaders, and small business owners, all the changes spell F-E-A-R or P-A-N-I-C. That’s why most choose one of two common approaches to ...

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Jul 10, 2024

You've got a book idea. Now what?

You've taken the first step in whittling down your book idea by identifying the problem your book will solve. Now what?

You need to identify the target audience for your book.

Who will read your book? Answer this question to pinpoint your book’s potential readers. Here’s why this is a crucial step to take before you write one word of your book...

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Jul 09, 2024

Write better descriptions when you ditch these 2 words

You can write better descriptions by eliminating just two words from your content and your copy: really and very.

Why ditch these two words?

After all, they’re really simple and very easy to use.

Yep. And why is that?

Because ...

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Jul 08, 2024

Want more readers? Use the Know-Like-Trust principle

There are plenty of tactics for growing your audience of readers and your stable of freelance writing clients. But the underlying principle is this: Know Like Trust.

It’s also called the KLT Factor. And it’s a natural law in the business world.

Marketing expert and author Bob Burg coined the ...

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Jul 07, 2024

How to write a letter of reference

The first time I was asked to write a letter of reference, I wasn’t sure where to begin.

I found a neat little template tucked away in the very last chapter of the book of Romans.

There, Paul introduces Phoebe, whom he had chosen to deliver the monumental letter to the Christians at Rome:

“I commend to you our ...

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Jul 06, 2024

What's a "filler"?

A filler is a short-short article, usually about 100-500 words.

Filler content runs the gamut from anecdotes to tips, recipes, how-tos, devotionals, jokes, news bites, household hints ...

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Jul 05, 2024

How to find the main idea of you rbook, article, or blog post

Struggling to nail down the main idea for your writing project?

Use this helpful worksheet. It walks you through the process of finding the main idea for your book, article, blog post, or ....

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Jul 04, 2024

To write persuasively, answer this ONE question for your reader

The one question that’s foremost in his mind - and one you must answer in your content - is “What’s In It For Me?”

Be prepared to face this hard truth: your reader isn’t interested in your work. He’s interested only in what ...

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Jul 03, 2024

Have you tried the top 12 headline templates?

Oh, that I had a magic bullet for writing headlines! They’re the gateway into my content. Write a great one and people click, read, view, comment, and engage. But write a fluffy or inconsequential headline and readers pass right over my masterpiece without a notice.

So you can imagine my distress when I searched for “top headline templates.” Among the results were …

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Jul 02, 2024

Online publishing terms that writers need to know

These days, online publishing terms are sprinkled throughout most of what you read about writing.

This simple glossary, arranged alphabetically, helps you get up to speed with the jargon associated with online writing ...

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Jul 01, 2024

Web writing vs writing for print: what are the differences?

Web writing and writing for print are two different mediums.

Writing for print leads to a tangible piece, produced on paper.

Online writing, on the other hand, is delivered to a computer screen, tablet, or mobile device.

But the most significant difference is the what readers ...

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Jun 30, 2024

How to use 1-sentence stories

One thing that fascinates me about Jesus’s stories is that many are so short.

In fact, some are just one sentence long. They are quick word pictures.

For instance, in The Parable of the Yeast ...

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Jun 29, 2024

Moses asked specifically. Shouldn't you?

Do you feel awkward when you write an Ask? Sometimes, I do.

It helps me to look at The Ask from the giver’s point of view.

For instance, when I’m invited to a wedding, I appreciate ...

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Jun 28, 2024

Build or update your resume - on your own

Whether you’re building a resume for the first time or you’re updating yours after years in the marketplace, Your Reusable Resume Builder is THE place to gather and organize your information.

The Resume Builder takes the frustration and stress out of putting together your resume. It guides you through each section of your resume and explains what information to include – no matter what job you’re seeking...

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Jun 27, 2024

A writer's 12 tips for successful interviewing

Writers conduct interviews. It’s one of the ways we gather useful quotes from an expert … a specialist’s how-to’s … anecdotes for a feature article or book. Interviewing checks one of the boxes in a writer’s “research” column.

Yet maybe like me, you shrink away from the Woodward and Bernstein caricature of the relentless reporter. You’re willing to probe and delve and investigate. But must you be an interviewing pit bull?

Nope. In fact ...

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Jun 26, 2024

How to write a welcome email for new customers and subscribers

Ping! Another subscriber notification pops into your box.

What kind of welcome email did that new reader just receive from you?

A welcome email is the first email a newcomer has to interact with you after making a purchase or opting in to your email list.

You can set up the email as...

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Jun 25, 2024

Get started writing articles: FAQs

If you’re venturing into writing articles to produce content or to get started as a writer, here are some basics to get going.

Q: What is an article?An article is a piece of writing that gives information. Its purpose is to explain or inform.

Q: Why should I write articles?Information is ...

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Jun 24, 2024

Wanted: eBook writer

Kindle burst on the scene in 2007, creating a new freelancing specialty: the ebook writer.

An ebook (“electronic book”) is a book in digital form. It can be formatted for a tablet, Kindle, iPad, cell phone, e-Reader, computer, or other electronic devices. And don’t get thrown off by the book in ebook. The length has little to do with the term. What’s classified as an ebook can be anything from a concise 20-page white paper to a full-blown 100,000 epic novel.

In just a few years, ebook popularity has skyrocketed...

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Jun 23, 2024

How to cut out extra words for clearer writing

Get rid of extra words: it’s a guiding principle of good writing.

But which ones are extra?

“Examine every word you put on paper,” said American journalist and teacher William Zinsser (1922-2015) in his iconic ...

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Jun 22, 2024

This trait is a freelancer's best friend

If you’re a freelancer (or want to be one), then persistence is your best friend.

Stick with prospecting long enough, and you will get your first paid assignments and more after that.

The process works like this ...

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Jun 21, 2024

Writing devotionals that stick

Devotionals are a unique genre. And you can write them!

Writing Devotionals That Stick is a full-length, online course that walks with you step-by-step as you learn to write devotionals in a way that stays with today’s busy, distracted readers.

(I've also written a book with the same name that has collected more than 100 5-star Amazon views.)

Leaders, entrepreneurs, students, moms, professionals, writers – or those who want to be – have learned to write devotionals by using the principles found in this course and the book ...

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