Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
Your new blog post: it’s your latest pride and joy. And you don’t want to wait weeks or months for readers to find it. Can you increase website traffic to your new page right away?
Spoiler: you may not get thousands of hits right out of the gate. But you can get some immediate views and clicks with a few simple, savvy link-building strategies. That, plus a good dose of patience, and your new page will grab momentum and work its way steadily to the top of the search engine results.
Let me add two prerequisites. I assume you’ve created quality, useful content for your readers. You’ve carefully chosen keywords that will increase website traffic if given time for Google to notice them.
And I assume you’ve found places online where interested readers hang out. That is, you’re a member of communities or forums or social media groups or follow Reddit and Quora pages that address your topic.
That said, here’s how to introduce your new blog post to its welcoming world. You can do so easily and quickly. Each of these traffic-building strategies takes just a few minutes to implement.
An internal link is a link from one page on your site to another page on your site. Internal links are a useful way to guide readers through your content. They tie together your pages by showing readers how topics are connected.
And that builds traffic how? When you create internal links from one page to another, you prompt the reader to stay on your site longer. She discovers that you have additional valuable information that is useful for her. Longer time on your site reduces your bounce rate (the number of visitors who bump off your site after viewing just one page) — and builds reader loyalty, conversions, and engagement.
Once you publish your new blog post — or to be honest, as you’re loading it — create these 3 types of internal links.
Time needed: 5+ minutes
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Publish your new creation right away on your social media sites. But don’t simply click over to Facebook, write a generic, “New blog post!” and toss in your link.
Instead, use a snippet of useful content from your new post as the text. Then add the link. Doing so captures readers’ attention, raises curiosity or surprises them. They’re grateful for the no-strings-attached information. They’re enticed to learn more by clicking on the link, which builds traffic.
If you’re on visually-focused social media sites, use images strategically. Create a gorgeous Pinterest pin that links back to your new blog post. Add a relevant photo with a fun caption to your Instagram that links back to your new content. Links from social media sites mean inbound traffic for you.
Time needed: 5+ minutes
A single post can get lost in the social media deluge. You want to give readers plenty of chances to read your new creation. “Average bloggers only share their posts on Twitter, Facebook, Growth Hackers, etc. once,” says content marketing specialist Mary Fernandez. “Smart bloggers create evergreen social media campaigns.”
To do so, use a scheduling tool like Hootsuite (available in a free version) to post your new content multiple times over an extended period — say, once a week for the next 8 weeks. The exposure boosts your traffic now and helps snowball the number of hits to that page in the near future.
Time needed: 5+ minutes
An email newsletter is an online publication that you send at regular intervals to subscribers. You can offer your email newsletter for free or for a fee. “My primary marketing vehicle of choice is email,” says August Birch, a top 1000 Medium writer. “List-building is critical for ALL indie writer-creators.”
It’s easy to understand why. Your email list has the ultimate targeted readership. Subscribers have opted into your mailings, making them predisposed to reading your content. Many are eager to read your new content — your post. When your email lands in their inbox, they click through your new post. And you get a boost in traffic.
Time needed: 15+ minutes
Your online home offers your marvelous content to only a segment of readers. Extend your reach by sharing your posts on an online social publishing platform like Medium, where you create your own site and reach a whole new set of followers.
Plus, you can submit your writing to other publications on Medium and reach their readers, too. (Be sure to check the writer’s guidelines for other publications, as they may stipulate that you publish your content with them first before posting it on your site.)
Time needed: 15+ minutes
As you follow relevant blogs and social media sites in your niche, keep your antenna up. Look for readers’ questions about the topic you just wrote about. When you see those questions, drop a comment — a comment that gives more information than opinion. And include a link to your new blog post.
Don’t just relegate this technique to your new content, either. Make it a practice to be a helpful reader by commenting with positive, helpful information that links back to an appropriate post on your site. Your comments and links will continue to live on those sites, offering helpful information to other readers (making you a mini-hero by answering their questions) and driving them to your site. Win-win.
Time needed: 5+ minutes
Get your own FREE copy of these
6 Steps to Take to Build Traffic to a Blog Post when you click here.
With just a handful of minutes, you can use any one of the six strategies and share your new blog post with more of the world. Do all six and you’ll invest less than an hour. You’ll get an uptick in traffic now — and again later down the road, as momentum builds for that particular page.
Because these traffic-building strategies are not a “one-and-done.” Internal links stay on your site. Pins and photos stay on your social media platforms … your content remains on Medium or other online platforms … your scheduled posts continue to churn out onto readers’ feeds.
And hits to your new blog post continue to pile up.
In the meantime, you’ll have moved on. You’ll have created another shiny, new darling in the form of a valuable piece of content. And another. Each time you hit “publish,” use the same traffic-building strategies.
Your blog traffic will build … simply because you took a few minutes to share each new post with the world beyond your blog.
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