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Review: Free Online Writing Course - The Netwriting Masters Course

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.

The Netwriting Masters Course, a free online writing course, teaches you about writing for the web.

The Netwriting Masters Course

But the focus is quite specific. This online copywriting course explains the fundamentals needed to write website content in order to sell. It shows you how to write to a specific audience in order to attract and keep visitors on a website, teeing them up to buy products and services (or give a gift, in the case of nonprofits.)

The course is written by Ken Evoy, an online marketing guru and founder of SiteSell, a web hosting company that helps small businesses succeed on the internet. (Sitesell offers all kinds of interesting and helpful courses, by the way.)

How the Course Is Set Up

The Netwriting Masters Course is a 48-page, downloadable PDF. You can save it to view online or print out a hard copy.

Its 11 sessions are self-paced. Each session includes short assignments at the end so you can practice the skill discussed or get going on some pre-writing work in order to write a website that sells.

The course is easy to read and written in a conversational style. Take note, however, that it does not include a table of contents so it can be difficult to find specific sections that you read. Use a highlighter or sticky notes to mark special places you want to review.

What You Will Learn in the Course

The primary purpose of the course is to show you how to write content that pre-sells (or warms up) website visitors.

By “warming up” visitors, you get them ready to make a purchase or give a gift. In other words, great content on your website converts readers into customers. This course presents the mindset about writing for the web, with special emphasis on the thought process behind creating high-value content that attracts visitors.

It explains the following copywriting basics for writing content, particularly as they are specific to information sites on the web:

  • Why a themed-based website attracts visitors
  • Key parts of an effective web site
  • Pre-selling vs. selling online
  • How to write to your ideal reader
  • How to choose your most-wanted response – and your back up response
  • Benefits vs. features
  • How to develop your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
  • Why good content keeps visitors on your site
  • How to keep visitors coming back to your site

What You Will Not Learn in the Course

This is not an online copywriting course that explains mechanics about copywriting. While the material refers to basic copywriting principles, it does not go in depth with any of them. Nor does it dissect and explain in detail the various components of a website.

Instead, you’ll take away the fundamentals you need to know to create high-value content for the web. 

Not a bad deal … for free.

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