Checklist of Grant Application Attachments
Get Organized and Save Time
Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
As you write your first few proposals you may be surprised
at the number of grant application attachments you need to include.
Every grant application is different. Each grantor asks for different elements in an application and even for a Letter of Inquiry (LOI).
Because of that, you
will save yourself hours of scrambling and an untold amount a frustration if
you assemble the most-requested grant application attachments ahead of time.
When you have the attachments on hand,
then you can focus your energy on writing a quality proposal.
Use this handy checklist to make grant submissions simpler.
Basic Organizational Information
- Organization’s mailing address
- Organization’s telephone and fax numbers
- Organization’s email address
- Organization’s website address
- Organization’s social media site addresses
- Organization mission statement
Have ready both short (10 words or less) and long versions,
since you may face a word count limit in some applications - Federal tax exemption letter
A written statement from the Internal Revenue Service
designating your organization as a nonprofit, charitable organization that
meets 501(c)(3) specifications according to code - EIN number
The Employer Identification Number (also called the Federal
Tax Identification Number), a 9-digit identifier, is assigned to all businesses
operating in the United States. - DUNS number
A unique 9-digit numeric identifier assigned to your
organization which indicates its credit rating, often required in federal grant
Human Resources
- Board of Directors listing
Include a designation of officers and members as well as
each individual’s contact information, professional position, and date he
joined the board - Advisory Board listing
Include each individual’s contact information and
professional position - Staff and Volunteer Listing
Grantors may request this list in order to understand what
positions your organization relies on to achieve its ends. - Resumes and Bios
Have these on hand for key leaders and program coordinators.
Grantors review these in order to assess program credibility and stability.
- Annual Organizational Budget (current fiscal year)
List revenue sources and specific expenses - Financial Statements: budgeted vs. actual year-to-date
(current fiscal year)
Have your accountant break out a separate column alongside
the regular budget line items, labeled with income and spending to date as
compared with the annual budget - Annual Organizational Budget (past fiscal year)
Grant makers may request past budget versus actuals to see
how your program has changed and to see ratio of income to expenses. For some
significant grants or government awards you may be required to provide
financial statements for up to three years. - Program Budget(s)
Create a separate budget for each major program or service within
your organization. For example, you may operate an after-school tutoring
nonprofit. Each May you sponsor a special Parents’ Day. The event’s expenses
are included in your annual budget, but you create a separate document that
outlines expenses that are specific to that event, which show the the grantor
how you operate that function. - 990 Form
Tax-exempt organizations complete and file this form annually
with the IRS. - Audit
A copy of your most recent financial report completed by an
independent body such as an accounting agency. Smaller nonprofits may be able
to submit their most recent in-house year-end financial statement. - Major Funders
A list of significant gifts, grants, and funding from the
past 1-3 years
Additional Attachments
Though often not required, when these are requested you can add an
extra level of sparkle and appeal to your application by including them.
- Annual Report
- Organizational Newsletters
- Letters of Support
- Press Releases
Bonus Tips for Grant Application Attachments
Bonus tip #1: Store these attachments in a labeled folder on your desktop so
you can access them easily.
Bonus tip #2: Make a note on your calendar to update these
attachments at the beginning of each fiscal year.
Bonus tip #3: Have documents ready-to-go in both MS Word and
PDF versions.
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